Brent Purple Oliver
meditation & mindfulness coach
I don't write as much these days since I've chosen to focus primarily on coaching. However, writing has always been a way for me to explore my own practice and hopefully inspire others to investigate mindfulness and meditation. Here's a selection of some of my published pieces over the years.
Scar Tissue is Stronger - 8.9.19 - The Tattooed Buddha
Three Pillars of Meditation Practice - 2.28.19 - The Tattooed Buddha
Back To High Teach Mindfulness to Students - 1.24.19 - The Tattooed Buddha
Making a Gratitude Adjustment - 11.22.18 - The Tattooed Buddha
Find the Sangha That Fits You - 10.22.18 - The Tattooed Buddha
Spiritual Belief Labels: What the Hell Am I? - 8.20.18 - The Tattooed Buddha
Book Review: Dead Set on Living: Making the Difficult but Beautiful Journey From Fucking Up to Waking Up, by Chris Grosso - 3.4.18 - The Tattooed Buddha
Wrong Livelihood Behind the Stick - 2.27.18 - The Tattooed Buddha
Book Review: Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics, by Dan Harris & Jeff Warren with Carlye Adler - 12.29.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
Book Review: Unsubscribe: Opt Out of Delusion, Tune in to Truth, by Josh Korda - 11.21.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
Book Review: Single White Monk: Tales of Death, Failure, and Bad Sex (Although Not Necessarily in That Order), by Shozan Jack Haubner - 10.7.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
You Don't Need to Commit, Just Sit - 8.23.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
More MindFully Human, Less Asshole - 7.26.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
Book Review: Fighting Buddha, by Jeff Eisenberg - 6.29.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
Why Meditation Encourages Me to Keep Practicing - 4.3.17 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
My 32 Day Meditation Streak: How It Happened and Why I Broke It - 3.9.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
Learning to Soften with a "Hardcore" Buddhist Teacher - 3.8.17 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
Book Review: The User's Guide To Spiritual Teachers, by Scott Edelstein - 1.25.17 - The Tattooed Buddha
A Dharma Anarchist Goes to Summer Buddha Camp - 12.27.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
I Take Refuge in the Humor - 11.25.16 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
Mindfulness May be a Buzzword, But It Works if You Find the Right Dosage - 9.17.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
I'm a Writer, I'm Buddhist, and This is Why That is Terrifying - 7.26.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
When I Grow Up, I Want to be a Non-Contributing Member of This Society (Sort Of) - 6.3.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
I Hate My Stupid Origin Story Even Though Buddhism Saved My Life - 5.18.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
Bartending While Buddhist on Cinco de Mayo - 5.5.16 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
Tales of a Gonzo Buddhist: Nice to Meet You - 4.21.16 - The Tattooed Buddha
Meditation Month: Day 1 - 3.18.16 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
5 Perks of Being Married to a Non-Buddhist - 2.23.16 - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
White Trash Buddhist - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review (Fall 2014 Issue)